

CSR Cyprus was founded in November 2016 in the form of a Non-Profit Association as the official National Business Network for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Cyprus. The Network currently represents 44 Members (38 full Members and 6 Associate Members), which constitute more than 22% of the GDP of the Republic of Cyprus, while employing more than 20,000 employees. The mission of the Network is the development and implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility and its promotion, both to the business world and to the social environment, with the ultimate goal of achieving a balanced profitability and sustainable development.

CSR Cyprus actively monitors and participates in National, European and International developments for CSR and Responsible Entrepreneurship, conveying the voice of Cypriot companies in the public debate for profitability with respect for human beings, society and the environment. At the European level, CSR Cyprus is a National Partner Organization (NPO) of  CSR Europe – the leading European business network for corporate sustainability and accountability. Nationally, CSR Cyprus has been recognized as an authentic exponent of CSR and Responsible Entrepreneurship. Communicating and cooperating with the relevant bodies of the State, CSR Cyprus undertakes initiatives and participates in public dialogue meetings aiming to be the leading professional network driving and empowering the changes towards Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility. 


At “Xwhy / Agency of Understanding”, we provide in-depth understanding that improves products, services, and decisions. Xwhy works in the areas of placemaking, cultural research, data sensemaking and sustainable development. Depending on the nature of the ongoing projects and cases, we constantly collaborate with experts from education, urbanism, business, anthropology, ethnography, creative industries and other fields.


die Berater Unternehmensberatungs GmbH focuses on adult education, vocational training and human resources development and is represented in over 40 locations throughout Austria. Its services are aimed at private individuals, national and international companies and organisations in all sectors and of any size, as well as the public sector. die Berater®’s main fields of activities are: adult education, EU projects, consultancy and outplacement.


Center for Social Innovation (CSI) is a Research and Development organization, which focuses on fostering social innovation at a local, national, regional, and global level. CSI encompasses the capability and capacity to identify social needs, design and implement adjusted initiatives, and provide for sustainable growth. The CSI team’s areas of expertise are in the fields of traditional education and e-learning, entrepreneurship, start-ups, innovation, creativity, negotiations, IP advisory services, social responsibility, business advisory solutions, data analytics, information technologies, project management, project evaluation services, product validation, training and computer gaming. CSI draws know-how and skills from its wide global network, which includes academic institutions, IT companies, public services, international organizations, start-ups, and public services.

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Centro Superior de Formación Europa Sur (CESUR) is an innovative VET provider with more than 25 years of experience in vocational education and training geared towards employment. At CESUR, we develop new teaching and learning models. Nowadays CESUR has 20 training centres located in 9 cities in Spain: Madrid, Málaga, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Murcia, Cáceres, Badajoz, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. In addition, CESUR collaborates with more than 400 enterprises of many different professional areas to offer appropriate dual vocational training. CESUR offers around 100 training cycles and 280+ specialized courses.


CESCOT VENETO is the Training organisation of Confesercenti Regionale del Veneto. Since 1986, its mission is the professional training and development of human. It also deals with proposing and managing European projects in order to encourage the increase of skills and the transfer of knowledge in the field of tourism, trade, creativity and technological innovation. To this end, it collaborates with private and public organisations and manages large partnerships on a national and European scale.


HIGGS |Higher Incubator Giving Growth & Sustainability| is an initiative which aims to reinforce Nonprofit Organizations | NPOs | operating in Greece, through educational and supportive programs and activities